Introducing Mind, Body, Soul Tribe: THE BLOG!

Hi tribe! I'm not one to write very often but every now and again, inspiration comes to me and I want to put pen to paper. Or in todays world, finger to keyboard. LOL
Anyway..... I had an epiphany today. I want to bring you more content. Not only content but HELPFUL content. I really want MBSTribe to be more than an instagram page or more than a 4 week challenge. I want it to be a community. A community of women that support each other, that root each other on and most importantly, help each other grow daily not only in their fitness journey but on this crazy journey called, life.
So how do we do that? Well, my soul spoke to me today and it told me to start this blog. I quickly laughed and shrugged it off because, well, I'm not a writer ( you can read firsthand here). But then I kept thinking about it and my heart tugged at the idea. I will warn you right now that there WILL be grammatical errors throughout these blogs so I'll apologize now. Ok, back to the blog! Want to hear what the best part of the idea is? I want to include guest writers on this blog. Because like I mentioned earlier, this isn't about me. It's about YOU. I'll be launching the blog with my MBSTribe ambassadors first but then anyone who wants to be featured, can have the opportunity to be a contributor. If you have something in your heart that you want to share with this community, it's yours.
I can't wait to see where this little idea takes us. Sit tight, we're working on this very hard to launch soon but in the meantime, what are some topics you'd like to read about? Tell us below in the comments!
Thank you for your support already. It means more than you know.
Sending you all the love in the world,

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